
R & D Outputs

Natural essential oil


Centre has adopted cluster approach for the cultivation of aromatic crops in various agro-climatic zones. In these clusters, natural essential oils of the major aromatic crops such as Lemongrass, Damask Rose, Japanese Mint, Palmarosa, Tagetes patula, Citronella, Basil, Artemisia annua, Geranium, Caraway, Lemonbalm and Cinnamon are being produced by the farmers of Uttarakhand. To distil these natural essential oils in the state, a network of field distillation units (FDUs) has been established in various aroma clusters.

Himalayan minor essential oil


Uttarakhand is a repository of valuable wild aromatic plants in nature. In this context, a new initiative has been taken under R&D efforts by CAP through distillation of Himalayan minor essential oils which are available in abundance in forest areas as well as in waste lands. In this direction our R&D wing has seen new possibilities in terms of viable essential oils and aroma chemicals from abundant wild sources. CAP has identified certain aromatic plants viz. Artemisia (A. maritima, A. vulgaris), Surai (Cupressus torulosa), Kalabansa (Eupatorium adenophorum), Gania Grass (Cymbopogon distans), Bhanjeera (Perilla frutescens), Lantana (Lantana camara), Chenopodium (Chenopodium ambrosioides), Thyme (Thymus serpyllum), Basil (Ocimum gratissimum) and Bhukambar (Pogostemon benghalensis) for R& D and their commercial use in industries. To promote farmers for distillation of these Himalayan minor essential oils, CAP has framed the promotional schemes and policies such training and awareness, distillation facility, marketing support and quality assessment. On the basis of such strength, the demand of industry for above oils can be fulfilled.

Floral water


Floral water or hydrosols are produced by steam-distilling plant material. Floral waters contain diluted essential oils. Floral aromas are mild and subtle in comparison to their essential oil counterparts. Besides aromatic chemicals, these distillates also contain many more of the plant acids than pure essential oils making them skin friendly.CAP is presently involved in the preparation of floral waters by using different aromatic produce viz. Geranium, Palmarosa and Chamomile etc.

Dry flowers and herbs


Mixtures of dried, naturally fragrant plant material are used to provide a gentle natural scent or fragrance. CAP is presently involved in packaging of dried flowers and herbs of some aromatic plants viz. thyme, oregano, Damask rose etc.

Aromatherapy kit


Centre has developed an “Aromatherapy Kit” to promote the aromatic essential oils of Uttarakhand. The kit has four essential oils (Geranium, Lemongrass, Lantana and Basil) along with a User Manual Booklet. In this booklet, application, uses and precautions of all oils are given in detail.

Phyto-Chemistry & Quality Certification Division

The Phyto-Chemistry & Quality Assessment Division was established for the intention of providing support to farmers in producing mountain specific aromatic oils and herbs and their value addition. Division has state-of –art laboratory equipped with sophisticated instruments viz. GC, GC-MS, HPLC, HPTLC, Polarimeter, UV-Spectrophotometer, FTIR etc. Division is engaged in:


Laboratory works on chemical fingerprinting of essential oils from aromatic plants using chromatographic techniques, bio-prospecting of lesser known aromatic species grown in Uttarakhand and assessing seasonal and altitudinal variation in the essential oils, quality evaluation of aromatic produce of farmers with respect to quantitative estimation of bio-active components, The division also supports various inter-disciplinary researches and provide measurement for quality analysis of essential oil and aromatic herbs. The department has research publications in SCI indexed, national /international journals.

Quality Certification:

Laboratory is constantly endeavoring to support the farmers, aroma-industries and researchers in all technical aspects by providing testing, quality assurance, consultancy and other related services in quality improvement activities.

The laboratory also extends necessary help to the industries in all technical assistance and facilities available with the laboratory. The laboratory was accredited by NABL (National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories) from March 2010 to March 2012. Laboratory provides training in quality assessment of essential oils and aroma chemicals.

Process Development

Laboratory was established with the aim of providing scientific and technical support to the farmers, scientists, entrepreneurs, industries and researchers in the area of processing of aromatic plants. Development and upgradation of extraction and distillation techniques for better quality and yield of essential oils /aromatic produce.

Crop Management & Extension Division

Agronomy & Soil Science

This division mainly conduct research for agronomical trials, soil /nutrient management for the development of agronomical package and practices of potential aromatic plants to increase yield and quality. Study of cropping system, developing and documentation of agro-techniques etc., are the other aspect of the division also.

Crop Improvement

The main focus of the division is to carryout hybridization, genetics improvement and breeding programme for the development of high yielding varieties of aromatic crops.

Plant Protection

The research priority of the division is development of control measures and methods for insect, pest and diseases. Conducting trials on management of crop protection and application of essential oil as insecticide and pesticide.

Field Research Station-cum-nursery

For carrying out demonstration of aromatic crops, laying out, agronomical/ breeding/crop protection trials, multiplication and production of quality planting materials, establishment and maintenance of poly house, net house, mist chamber, vermi compost unit, primary processing etc.

Transfer of Technology

Technology dissemination in the farmer’s field, monitoring, planning, follow-up and evaluation of extension work in Aroma clusters including training, awareness, demonstration, cultivation, distillation, marketing and preparation of publicity material. To develop linkages between researchers and farmers for lab to land programme.

“Centre for Aromatic Plants (CAP)” was established by Government of Uttarakhand in 2003 at industrial area Selaqui, Dehradun. CAP is a complete business incubator centre for the development of the aromatic sector in Uttarakhand.


Contact Us

Centre for Aromatic Plants
Industrial Estate, Selaqui- 248197,
Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India

PHONE: +91 135 269 8305